Zero Sum Thinking – 27 East


Southampton Press / Opinion / Letters / 2260120

Zero Sum Thinking

“Sometimes we forget that public safety is a fundamental civil right.” This insightful observation was made by Democratic candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives, John Avlon.

Who could disagree? I won’t say that Avlon’s opponent Nancy Goroff does, but she has put herself in an untenable political position, when, at a 2020 protest rally, held a sign with this message: “Cost of Riot Gear for 1 Policeman Equals Cost of PPE (personal protective equipment) for 31 Nurses.”

The wisdom of pitting police against nurses escapes me. Nancy will have to defend this, but as they say in my circles, if you’re explaining, you’re losing.

With that kind of zero sum thinking by Nancy Goroff, whom do you think has a better chance to win the general election race against Republican Nick LaLota in November? I’m thinking it’s John Avlon and will cast my vote for him in the June 25 Democratic primary.

Incidentally, when Joe Biden and Congressional Democrats, passed the American Rescue Plan (with no Republican support) funding was made available for police departments and hospitals, community health centers and clinics. Among many other things, police and health entities both received monies for PPE.

Mike Anthony


Anthony is the former chair of the Southampton Democratic Committee — Ed.