Laura Baudo Sillerman of Southampton Dies October 27 - 27 East

Laura Baudo Sillerman of Southampton Dies October 27

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Laura Baudo Sillerman

Laura Baudo Sillerman

authorStaff Writer on Nov 19, 2024

Laura Baudo Sillerman, philanthropist, poet, trusted advisor and deeply valued friend to people from all realms and walks of life, died October 27 in Southampton NY, due to complications from breast cancer. She was 77 years old. The daughter of Antonina and Big Joe Baudo, she was predeceased by her husband Robert in 2019 and by their daughter Mackinley, in 2012. She is survived by her cousin Jerrilyn Petito, her husband Nick and a far-flung clan of cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces. Laura will long be remembered for her service and counsel to a wide array of humanitarian, education and arts organizations including PEN America, the American Museum of Natural History and the Unterberg Poetry Center of the 92nd Street Y. An alum and a trustee of Marietta College in Ohio, she was key to critical fundraising efforts there and championed the construction of the Dyson Baudo Recreation Center and Legacy Library; the Sillerman Commons on campus is named in her honor. With her husband Robert, she was co-founder of the Sillerman Center for the Advancement of Philanthropy at Brandeis University. She was also president of The Tomorrow Foundation, a New York City based charitable foundation, and served on the board of Long Island University’s Southampton campus, where she was instrumental in bringing both the Southampton Writers Conference and The Southampton Review to national prominence. During summer conferences at the school, she was a legendary host to a vast community of writers, treating all – renowned authors and unknowns alike – with the same genuine interest and care. And she was the creative spark behind the summer All For The Sea concerts to benefit the college’s Marine Science Program, featuring acts such as Paul Simon, Tina Turner and Crosby, Stills & Nash. In 2012, she joined the board of Harlem Academy, an independent K-8 school for promising low-income students, helping to facilitate the creation of a visiting poets program in partnership with the Poetry Society of America. In 2013, she established the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets, helping to expand the scope of publishing in African poetry. In addition to her work as a philanthropist and advisor, she was an accomplished poet, columnist and co-author, with Bruce Morrow, of Cousin Brucie: My Life in Rock ‘n’ Roll Radio (William Morrow, 1982). She wrote with such elegance, depth and insight that a simple email from her could be something of a literary event, calling upon the recipient to muster their inner poet in response. It wasn’t a challenge or a test, it was simply an example that made people want to rise to the best that was in them. That was her effect on people and she was always at the ready to help them do that. In the end, that may be her greatest legacy of all. Those who were privileged to know Laura are invited to share their memories and tributes at Donations in her memory can be made to the Laura Baudo Sillerman Scholarship Fund at Harlem Academy and/or the Laura Baudo Sillerman’68 Student Support Fund at Marietta College. A green burial was held at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge MA; a memorial celebration will be held at Harlem Academy in the spring. Details will be forthcoming.

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