Community News, June 20 - 27 East

Community News, June 20

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The Sons of the American Legion, Squadron #419, recently held its first ever Pig Roast Fundraising Dinner. Held at the American Legion Hall, Post #419 in Amagansett, the dinner drew many members of the community to support the squadron. Dinner included smoked barbecued roast pig, corn, beans, a dinner roll and dessert; all for a $30 donation.
Members helped to sell the dinner tickets over the prior two months, did all the food shopping, and cooked the dinner at the legion.
The money raised will be used for book scholarships for graduating East Hampton High School seniors, and donations to community-based organizations, such as Meals on Wheels, The Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, and others.  COURTESY SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION, SQUADRON #419

The Sons of the American Legion, Squadron #419, recently held its first ever Pig Roast Fundraising Dinner. Held at the American Legion Hall, Post #419 in Amagansett, the dinner drew many members of the community to support the squadron. Dinner included smoked barbecued roast pig, corn, beans, a dinner roll and dessert; all for a $30 donation. Members helped to sell the dinner tickets over the prior two months, did all the food shopping, and cooked the dinner at the legion. The money raised will be used for book scholarships for graduating East Hampton High School seniors, and donations to community-based organizations, such as Meals on Wheels, The Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, and others. COURTESY SONS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION, SQUADRON #419

The rain cleared in time to make for a successful fund-raising carwash on June 9 organized by the Westhampton Knights of Columbus Joseph Slomski Council #7423 in front of the Westhampton Beach Middle School. COURTESY JOSEPH SLOMSKI COUNCIL

The rain cleared in time to make for a successful fund-raising carwash on June 9 organized by the Westhampton Knights of Columbus Joseph Slomski Council #7423 in front of the Westhampton Beach Middle School. COURTESY JOSEPH SLOMSKI COUNCIL

Southampton Village has partnered with
Greener, a leader in battery-operated, robotic lawn mowing that offers reduced noise, pollution and  time needed for lawncare. By replacing gas-powered, ride-on mowers with robots, Greener reduces CO2 and noise.
A second phase of ecologically forward projects is focusing on more renewable solar energy in the village, with a new solar array being installed in the parking lot behind the village ambulance barn, and another planned for the West Main Street parking lot. The village has also installed three GrowCharge Plaza benches that have charging ports.  Residents can dedicate a bench with a family name for $3,500, memorializing a place in a  sustainable future. From left, with the robot mower, consultant to the DPW, Harold Weed; Stephen Phillips Jr. DPW superintendent,; 
Deputy Mayor Gina Arresta; Greener co-founder & COO Adam Goldwasser. COURTESY SOUTHAMPTON VILLAGE

Southampton Village has partnered with Greener, a leader in battery-operated, robotic lawn mowing that offers reduced noise, pollution and time needed for lawncare. By replacing gas-powered, ride-on mowers with robots, Greener reduces CO2 and noise. A second phase of ecologically forward projects is focusing on more renewable solar energy in the village, with a new solar array being installed in the parking lot behind the village ambulance barn, and another planned for the West Main Street parking lot. The village has also installed three GrowCharge Plaza benches that have charging ports. Residents can dedicate a bench with a family name for $3,500, memorializing a place in a sustainable future. From left, with the robot mower, consultant to the DPW, Harold Weed; Stephen Phillips Jr. DPW superintendent,; Deputy Mayor Gina Arresta; Greener co-founder & COO Adam Goldwasser. COURTESY SOUTHAMPTON VILLAGE

East Hampton Library Director Dennis Fabiszak artists Shanli Yaghoubi and Cybelle Curry as the unveil their  2024 tribute to the library at the ribbon cutting to celebrate the new Young Adult Room which includes a recording/podcast studio.   RICHARD LEWIN

East Hampton Library Director Dennis Fabiszak artists Shanli Yaghoubi and Cybelle Curry as the unveil their 2024 tribute to the library at the ribbon cutting to celebrate the new Young Adult Room which includes a recording/podcast studio. RICHARD LEWIN

Mary Jo Corron, artist Shanli Yaghoubi, East Hampton Library Director Dennis Fabiszak, artist Cybelle Curry, Gray Guzman and Sophia Rodriguez cut the ribbon opening the new Young Adult Room  at the East Hampton Library, which includes a recording/podcast studio.   RICHARD LEWIN

Mary Jo Corron, artist Shanli Yaghoubi, East Hampton Library Director Dennis Fabiszak, artist Cybelle Curry, Gray Guzman and Sophia Rodriguez cut the ribbon opening the new Young Adult Room at the East Hampton Library, which includes a recording/podcast studio. RICHARD LEWIN

Will Young, Nettie Rattray, Zoe Mahini, Luca Njapa, back row and Alex Gerstein, Bane Pipino, front row, at the Anchor Society Summer Social at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in East Hampton on Saturday.   RICHARD LEWIN

Will Young, Nettie Rattray, Zoe Mahini, Luca Njapa, back row and Alex Gerstein, Bane Pipino, front row, at the Anchor Society Summer Social at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in East Hampton on Saturday. RICHARD LEWIN

Anchor Society Board Member Anne P. Thomas,St. Luke's Church Rector Reverend Dr. Benjamin A. Shambaugh and Anchor Society Founder and Board Chair Bess Rattray at the Society's summer social at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in East Hampton on Saturday.   RICHARD LEWIN

Anchor Society Board Member Anne P. Thomas,St. Luke's Church Rector Reverend Dr. Benjamin A. Shambaugh and Anchor Society Founder and Board Chair Bess Rattray at the Society's summer social at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in East Hampton on Saturday. RICHARD LEWIN

authorStaff Writer on Jun 17, 2024

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