Slow It Down – 27 East


Slow It Down

As a resident of North Haven, I have been disturbed by the laxity of clear-cutting regulations and the construction of monster houses, both of which are changing the rural character and beauty of our community and, as a consequence, displacing our wildlife — the reasons so many of us have chosen to live here.

Why are outside investors who have no cultural understanding of North Haven (and Sag Harbor), who have no concerns to preserve what we cherish about living here, who have no interest other than a quick, turnaround profit — approved to build these oversized-for-the-lot houses on spec? What are the codes? Who is enforcing them? Who is approving these houses/plans?

This is why I encourage members of our community to support and vote for Barbara Roberts.

Having personally seen Barbara in action as the co-founder and member of the board of Save Sag Harbor, she has been leading the charge to reign in the proposed development of Main Street and to protect our local businesses there.

She represented Southampton on the Suffolk County Planning Commission. She knows the laws of village management and land use, zoning and environmental and historic preservation. This is why she has my personal support.

Barbara is looking to enforce stronger codes and stricter reinforcement of the codes. She hopes to create a strategic, long-term master plan for North Haven development with open-door, community input.

I’m not naïve, I understand and know that change is inevitable. However, regarding future development, maybe we can become more thoughtful and if we’re diligent, slow it down.

On Tuesday, June 18, please vote. Every vote counts. Vote for Barbara Roberts.

Annette Handley Chandler

North Haven